Achieve Your Health and Wellness Resolutions with an Online Fitness Trainer in 2021

We’re half-way done with the first month of 2021. But it doesn’t mean it’s too late to make a New Year’s resolution.

If you haven’t already, now is the best time for making resolutions and creating goals!

What goals and resolutions do you have for 2021? For sure, many would include weight loss goals on their list. With COVID-19 leaving everyone locked up in their homes in 2020, going to the gym has become almost impossible.

But for those who are determined to stay fit, not even a pandemic could stop them from doing so. That’s why home workout has been one of the “in things” in 2020, and eventually became part of the new normal.

Now if you’re one of those aiming to lose weight for the first time, or for a long time but couldn’t just get started, you might find this article helpful.

What is physical activity and fitness and why are they important

Before you even set your weight loss goals, it’s essential to have ample understanding of the specifics of physical activity and fitness as well as their importance.

These are two different concepts, by the way, but they’re closely related. In their 1985 research, Caspersen, Powell, and Christenson provided definitions that distinguished physical activity from physical fitness.

Accordingly, they referred to physical activity as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles resulting in energy expenditure. On the other hand, physical fitness is a set of attributes that are either health- or skill-related.

In a more recent study, Martinez-Vizcaino and Sanchez-Lopez (2008) expounded the meaning of physical fitness.

They interpreted it as a measure of the capacity to perform physical activity and/or physical exercise that integrates the majority of the bodily functions (skeletomuscular, cardio-respiratory, hematocirculatory, endocrine-metabolic, and psycho-neurological) involved in bodily movement.

Physical activity and fitness both have numerous long-term health benefits, including weight control. More importantly, staying active improves the overall quality of someone’s life.

Keeping the above in mind would bring you closer to your weight loss goals. Now that things relative to your resolutions become more vivid to you, this drives you more to come up with achievable and convenient goals.

Speaking of weight loss goals, this concept does not simply mean reducing the amount of your weight. More importantly, it entails how you’ll maintain it at a healthy level by engaging in regular physical activities. Therefore, it is better to prioritize setting fitness goals that are suitable and realistic.

Why is it crucial to keep your fitness goals achievable and convenient? The answer is simple – to ensure that you’ll stick with them and become successful with it.

Working with an online fitness trainer

Having an online fitness trainer is one of the ways of making your fitness goals achievable and convenient. Below are some advantages of working with an online fitness trainer:

  • Flexible Schedule – You’re not obliged to go to the gym for your workout sessions when you’re with an online trainer. Thus, you can do this anytime that is convenient for you. It is important though to stick with a certain schedule to make sure your physical activities are done regularly.
  • Affordability – A one-on-one gym session can be costly and not everyone can afford it. But such isn’t a hindrance to achieving your fitness goals. Thanks to technology, you can now work with a fitness coach online at a price that’s within your budget.
  • Saves Time and Energy – Since you’re working with an online trainer, you save time and energy going to the gym. As long as you have access to the internet, you can do your work out sessions anywhere, be it at the comfort of your home or even at your office.
  • Access to Results – Working with an online fitness trainer can help you achieve the results you want. Nowadays, almost everything can be tracked online. Furthermore, there are apps used to track down the results of your physical training and check if you are hitting your fitness goals.

How exercise helps in other areas

Exercise is another concept related to physical activity and fitness. The Free Dictionary by Farlex defines it as a physical activity that is planned, structured and repetitive for the purpose of conditioning any part of the body.

Exercise helps a lot in attaining a healthy and longer life. Not only does it help in maintaining weight loss but also in many other areas, including the following:

  • Cardiovascular health – Exercise improves blood circulation and makes the heart stronger. When you exercise, your heart pumps more blood, and the oxygen levels in your body rise. This helps reduce your risk of developing heart diseases.
  • Energy level – Engaging in physical activities cause your body to release its natural hormones called endorphins. These chemicals trigger positive feelings or euphoria.
  • Physique – Exercise helps a lot in the development of muscles and bones. People who want to increase or maintain their muscle mass and strength perform muscle-strengthening activities. Also, it decreases the loss of bone density as one gets older.
  • Quality sleep – If you want to have a better sleep at night, doing some exercise is very effective. Accordingly, when you had enough sleep, you’ll feel refreshed and energized the following day.

The benefits of exercise are not limited to those mentioned above. It also helps improve your mental, psychological, and sexual health.

In a nutshell

Proper weight management is vital to a long-lasting and happy life. Setting weight loss goals and making sure to achieve them is a great gift you can give yourself as you face another year.

Expanding your knowledge and understanding of the benefits of staying active will help you maintain your enthusiasm and dedication to fulfilling your goals.

Moreover, keep in mind to make your health and wellness resolutions achievable and convenient as much as possible. Working with an online fitness trainer helps a lot in realizing your fitness goals.

Wishing you a healthier and more fit body and mind this 2021!

Published by Jenifer

Jenifer's passion for writing did not only provide her an outlet for voicing out her thoughts and emotions, but it also led her to a fantastic career path she'd never thought she'll tread on. She enjoys writing valuable content and works hard on bringing these closer to others.

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