A Saga of Love and Pain

Several years ago, someone who is dear to me asked for my help. She wants me to write a ‘novel’ for her describing her love life. But she wants this to be sent to her boyfriend back then for him to realize his failures and, somehow, to prick his conscience. Being aware of all the things she went through in her relationship, I found it easy to do what she’s asking of me. I wrote the story in a metaphorical way but it’s an exact reflection of real events in the lives of two people. So here it goes…

Here I am, sitting alone in this particular corner of my room. As the cool breeze of the night passes through my window, I can feel its freshness touching my warm flesh. Yet, suddenly, a feeling of coldness rushed in.

As I stare at the darkness of the night, the more I feel an emptiness within me. But when I looked at the stars above, I saw a ray of hope through their tiny lights. Then images of the past began flashing on my mind…

I can never forget the moment I’ve known you for it paved the way to the most wonderful episodes of my life—wonderful in the sense that I have learned how to love someone truly and unselfishly. You taught me the value of trust, honesty, and loyalty. Because of you, I became more than the person I thought I can ever be—more generous, understanding, and patient.

You might not have realized yet how you made me into a stronger and better person—someone I did not use to be before our paths have crossed. Believe it or not, you became one of the reasons for my existence and why I continue to exist. All the times we sent together, be it happy or sad, are the best times of my life…

From Cloud 9 to Facing the Clouded Side

I can feel that my eyes are getting heavy and couldn’t help but close them. Soon I saw a scene of us. There’s just you and me in that place—nothing short of a paradise—holding hands…laughing out loud…sharing our thoughts…and feeling every beat of each other’s heart… We truly are spending the joyous moment of our lives in each other’s arms.

What comes next is a sight of a mountain that is so inviting. Together, we take a journey toward it. At first, it appears to be so near. We have been walking for quite some time already and we could feel tiredness, but still, we’re not getting closer. Then we noticed that the road close to the base of the mountain is quite rocky. It’s peppered with loops and we stumbled several times. Yet, we still managed to stand and with holding hands, we continue our journey.

When we almost reach the top of the mountain, the bright sky turned into gray and rain started to pour upon us. As my clothes are too wet and soaked my body, I almost tremble in coldness. But the warmth of your hands holding mine is enough to calm me. The rain pours harder and thunders roar tearing the quietness of the surrounding.

Facing the Dark Alone

Suddenly, I feel frightened, cold, tired and weak. But the thought that you are with me gives me strength and courage…only to find out that you’re not there. I tried to look around hoping that I can see you somewhere. But I failed. I called out your name several times, but I didn’t get any answer. I feel so helpless and abandoned that I almost gave up. The only thing I can do that moment is to cry…

Waking up to a Painful Reality

The coldness I feel on my face made me open my eyes. Then I found out I was really crying. Yes, I was crying in this dark and lonely room—alone and empty… I could have thanked the Lord, everything is just a dream. How I wish it’s really just a dream. Because when I looked at the mirror, I saw a painful reality. It surely is the most painful thing I could ever have that the mere thought of it hurts my whole being—the reality that YOU LEFT ME…JUST AT THE MOMENT, I NEEDED YOU MOST…

PS: Both characters in the above story have long moved on with their respective lives.

Published by Jenifer

Jenifer's passion for writing did not only provide her an outlet for voicing out her thoughts and emotions, but it also led her to a fantastic career path she'd never thought she'll tread on. She enjoys writing valuable content and works hard on bringing these closer to others.

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